Posted by A on Monday, September 22, 2014
Sunday, November 11th 2013
Dear friend,
Almost two years has been gone
But it feels like a houndred years since I met you
We shared laugh and tears
We sticked together by a glue
A glue that we called, friendship
Dear friend,
You�ll leave tomorrow
Only the memories and me left behind
The memories that full of happiness and cherish
And I�m so thankful for the moment
So glad I got to know you
Dear friend,
It�s really hard to say goodbye
This feeling, this pain, it hurts so much
But I believe, time will heal
Don�t let my tears try to make you cry
That black cloud will go away
Dear friend,
It doesn�t mean we will never meet again
I hope this friendship will be longlasting
Until the earth stop rotating the sun
And when we meet again, I wish we will be a successful person
After all, may the force be with you
Penulis adalah lulusan S1 Universitas Gunadarma, jurusan Sistem Informasi. Satu cerpennya yang berjudul �Rezeki Ramadhan� dimuat dalam buku kumpulan cerpen �Kejutan Sebelum Ramadhan buku #3� dari #ProyekMenulis yang diselenggarakan @nulisbuku. Cerpen lainnya, �Sebab Cinta Tak Mengenal Kata Menyerah� lolos dalam antologi �Love Never Fails� juga dari #ProyekMenulis @nulisbuku. Cerpennya yang lain �Say Goodbye To Perusahaan Rokok� masuk dalam Antologi Bebas Asap Rokok. Buku Kumpulan Cerpennya juga telah terbit secara digital (ebook), diterbitkan oleh BitRead. Penggemar acara MOTOGP, anime dan catur.
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